Photographer Pavel Kun
Photographer Pavel Kun
Photographer Pavel Kun
Photographer Pavel Kun
Photographer Pavel Kun
Photographer Pavel Kun
Photographer Pavel Kun
Photographer Pavel Kun
Photographer Pavel Kun
Photographer Pavel Kun

The website of photographer Pavel Kun

“Not for a closed elite circle, something extremely understandable, about people and, above all, for people. Accessible to all. Universal for understanding, regardless of where, when and who comes into contact with it. The human being is at the centre of the research”.

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Photographer Pavel Kun

The project ”Metamorphosis”

“The main theme of my works is the human being as another world. I explore this world, discovering the unknown, finding the familiar or the unfamiliar, the intriguing or the alien, in what I see and feel. I get to know myself through my heroes”.

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Photographer Pavel Kun

The project “Without a Face”

“My thoughts on how globally different would our lives be if we looked the same? Maybe there would be no such concepts as racism, tolerance, etc.? What would society be like if people didn’t evaluate and judge based on appearance? How would the criteria for evaluating each other change?”   

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Photographer Pavel Kun

The project “Momentary pictures”  

“Lately I’ve liked the idea of presenting (created here and now) a painting I photograph in the hands of a fictional gallery worker. I use picture frames and place fictional story in them”.

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